Canopy LIDAR data
  2. spBayes::BEF.dat
    Bartlett Experimental Forest inventory data
  3. spBayes::FBC07.dat
    Synthetic multivariate data with spatial and non-spatial variance structures
  4. spBayes::FORMGMT.dat
    Data used for illustrations
  5. spBayes::NETemp.dat
    Monthly weather station temperature data across the Northeastern US
  6. spBayes::NYOzone.dat
    Observations of ozone concentration levels.
  7. spBayes::PM10.dat
    Observed and modeled PM10 concentrations across Europe
  8. spBayes::PM10.poly
    European countries used in PM10.dat
  9. spBayes::SVCMvData.dat
    Synthetic data from a space-varying coefficients model
  10. spBayes::WEF.dat
    Western Experimental Forest inventory data
  11. spBayes::Zurich.dat
    Zurichberg Forest inventory data
  12. spNNGP::BCEF
    Forest Canopy Height from NASA Goddard's LiDAR Hyperspectral and Thermal (G-LiHT) over Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest
  13. spNNGP::MI_TSCA
    Occurrence of Tsuga canadensis (Eastern hemlock) in Michigan